

























2、資訊搜集目的及使用方式 博拉德思文化科技有限公司搜集您的相關資訊僅限用於協助您進行帳戶註冊及為您提供遊戲產品或服務

2.1 當您註冊牌樂坊用戶帳號時,您需要提供基本的註冊資訊(如您使用遊客模式無需提供,但將導致您無法使用牌樂坊及服務或在使用牌樂坊及服務過程中受到相應限制),以便於我們為您提供遊戲服務。

2.2 在我們提供產品或服務時,用於身份驗證、客戶服務、安全防範、詐騙監測、存檔和備份用途,確保我們向您提供的產品和服務的安全性;

2.3 幫助我們設計新產品或服務以及使我們更加瞭解您如何接入和使用我們的產品或服務,從而針對性地回應您的個性化需求,提升現有產品和服務;

2.4 為改進相關服務,博拉德思文化科技有限公司可能會使用cookies來儲存並在某些時刻追蹤用戶的相關資料。上述使用僅限於:估算流量人數、統計用戶偏好等商業、市場分析或學術用途。Cookies可供第三方使用,例如廣告服務等需要可辨識數據、資料等作為評估指標和數據,這些資料僅供分析使用。評估我們產品或服務中的廣告和其他促銷及推廣活動的效果,並加以改善;

2.5 軟體認證或管理軟體升級;

3、關聯網站 我們所提供的其他網站連結,可能各有其不同的聲明或使用規則等,請務必自行謹慎瞭解,本網站並不保護使用者於該等網站中的隱私權。









1. 用戶有發佈違法資訊、嚴重違背社會公德、以及其他違反法律禁止性規定的行為,博拉德思文化科技有限公司有權立即終止對用戶提供服務。




1. 資訊存儲









1. 您有權查詢您的個人資訊您可以按照我們提供的產品和服務的相關說明(或設置),對您已提供給我們的相關個人資訊進行查詢。包括:



2. 您有權更正您的個人資訊當您發現您提供給我們的個人資訊存在登記錯誤、不完整或有更新的,您可通過本《隱私條款》提供的方式聯繫我們並提交更正申請。


2.2 對於您在行使上述權利過程中遇到的困難,或者其他可能目前無法向您提供線上自行更正/修改服務的,您可通過本《隱私條款》提供的方式聯繫我們,要求我們更正或修改您的數據,經過對您身份的驗證,且更正/修改不影響資訊的客觀性和準確性的情況下,我們可以對錯誤或不完整的資訊作出更正或修改,但法律法規另有規定的除外。



3.2 當發生以下情況時,您可以直接要求我們刪除您的個人資訊,但已做匿名化處理或法律法規另有規定的除外:






4. 您有權撤回您對個人資訊的授權如前文所述,我們提供的遊戲產品和服務的部分功能需要獲得您使用設備的相關許可權(包括:相冊、攝像頭、麥克風等,具體以產品實際獲取的功能為准)。您可以在授權後隨時撤回(或停止)對該許可權的繼續授權。例如您可以通過ios設備中的“設置-隱私-照片”來關閉您對手機相冊的授權。您也可以通過遊戲內相應功能頁面撤回對本《隱私條款》的同意,或通過註銷帳號的方式,永久撤回我們繼續搜集您個人資訊的全部授權。您需理解,當您撤回授權後,我們無法繼續為您提供撤回授權所對應的特定功能和/或服務。但您撤回授權的決定,不會影響此前基於您的授權而開展的個人資訊處理。

5. 您有權註銷您的帳號您可以通過本《隱私條款》提供的方式聯繫我們申請註銷您的帳號。當您註銷帳號後,您將無法再以該帳號登錄和使用牌樂坊產品與服務;且該帳號在牌樂坊產品與服務使用期間已產生的但未消耗完畢的權益及未來的逾期利益等全部權益將被清除;該帳號下的內容、資訊、數據、記錄等將會被刪除或匿名化處理(但法律法規另有規定或監管部門另有要求的除外,您的網路操作日誌將至少保留六個月的時間);用戶帳號註銷完成後,將無法恢復。



2. 重大變更包括但不限於:

2.1 我們的服務模式發生重大變化。如處理個人資訊的目的、處理的個人資訊類型、個人資訊的使用方式等;

2.2 我們在所有權結構、組織架構等方面發生重大變化。如業務調整、破產並購等引起的所有者變更等;

2.3 個人資訊共用、轉讓或公開披露的主要對象發生變化;

2.4 您參與個人資訊處理方面的權利及其行使方式發生重大變化;

2.5 我們負責處理個人資訊安全相關人員的聯絡方式及投訴管道發生變化;

2.6 個人資訊安全影響評估報告表明存在高風險時。








1. 如您對本《牌樂坊註冊用戶隱私條款》的內容或使用我們的服務時遇到的與個人資訊保護相關的事宜有任何疑問或進行諮詢或投訴時,您均可以通過如下任一方式與我們取得聯繫:



2. 我們會在收到您的意見及建議,並驗證您的用戶身份後的15日內儘快向您回復,如遇特殊或複雜情況,我們的回饋時間可能相應延長。此外,您理解並知悉,在與個人資訊有關的如下情形下,我們將無法回復您的請求:







2.7 法律法規等規定的其他情形。


1. 價格與時限


2. 訂閱內容



3. 自動續訂




1、 Representations and explanations

The Privacy Terms for 牌樂坊 Registered Users (hereinafter referred to as "the Privacy Terms") is an integral part of the 牌樂坊 License and Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the User Agreement"), which is jointly concluded by the user (hereinafter referred to as "you") and Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. Unless the user has read and accepted all the contents of the Privacy Terms, the user has no right to use 牌樂坊 and services, and the user's use of 牌樂坊 and services is deemed as the user has read and agreed to sign the Privacy Terms.

If you are a minor under the age of 18, you need to read the Privacy Terms with your guardian, and you and your guardian must carefully read them; Please use the games and services provided by Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. after obtaining your guardian's consent to all the terms of the Privacy Terms.

Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. absolutely respects the privacy and information of users, and will closely protect your privacy and information. The following explanations and explanations are hereby given to you:

1. Scope of information collection: In the process of using 牌樂坊 and services, Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. will collect information that you actively provide or generate from using 牌樂坊 and services:

1.1 Information you actively provide when using 牌樂坊 and services:

1.1.1 Relevant personal information provided to us when you register a 牌樂坊 user account or use 牌樂坊 products and services, including but not limited to phone numbers, emails, user nicknames, user avatars, etc;

1.2 Your information we may obtain during your use of 牌樂坊 and services:

1.2.1 Equipment or network information: During your use of 牌樂坊 and service, we may collect your equipment ID, equipment name, equipment type and version, system version, IP address, MAC address, application ID, network type and other information;

1.2.2 Game log information: During your use of 牌樂坊 and services, we will collect your game log information, including but not limited to listing logs, item logs, game matchmaking information, etc;

1.2.3 Transaction information: When you use the consumption function of 牌樂坊 products, we will collect your recharge records, consumption records and other information so that you can query your transaction records, and at the same time, we will try our best to protect your virtual goods. The collection of the above information is necessary to realize the consumption function of 牌樂坊 service, otherwise the transaction will not be completed.

1.2.4 Interactive information: When you interact with other players through text, pictures, voice and other ways in the game, we may collect and save the above information you send to filter pornographic, violent, political, abusive, malicious advertising and other inappropriate content. If you want to interact with other game players or take or upload pictures through voice, 牌樂坊 will access your microphone, camera, photo album, etc. with your authorization and consent.

1.3 According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without asking for your authorization under the following circumstances:

1.3.1 Those directly related to national security, national defense security and other national interests;

1.3.2 Those directly related to major public interests such as public safety, public health and public knowledge;

1.3.3 Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

1.3.4 It is difficult to obtain my consent to protect your or other personal life, property, reputation and other major legitimate rights and interests;

1.3.5 The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

1.3.6 Collect personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

1.3.7 Necessary for signing and performing the contract according to your requirements;

1.3.8 It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided by Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd., such as finding and handling the failures of products or services;

1.3.9 Necessary for legal news reporting;

1.3.10 It is necessary for the public interest to carry out statistics or academic research, and when it provides the results of academic research or description, it de identifies the personal information contained in the results;

1.3.11 Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.4 Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a function or service is not in the foregoing description and your information has been collected, we will explain the content, scope and purpose of information collection to you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements and other ways to obtain your consent.

2. The purpose and usage of information collection The information collected by Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. is only used to assist you in account registration and provide you with game products or services

2.1 When you register your 牌樂坊 user account, you need to provide basic registration information (if you use the tourist mode, you do not need to provide it, but it will cause you to be unable to use 牌樂坊 and services or be subject to corresponding restrictions in the process of using 牌樂坊 and services), so that we can provide you with game services.

2.2 When we provide products or services, it is used for authentication, customer service, security, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;

2.3 Help us design new products or services and make us better understand how you access and use our products or services, so as to respond to your personalized needs and improve existing products and services;

2.4 In order to improve the relevant services, Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. may use cookies to store and track the relevant information of users at some times. The above use is limited to commercial, market analysis or academic purposes such as estimating the number of traffic, and statistical user preferences. Cookies can be used by third parties, such as advertising services, which need identifiable data and materials as evaluation indicators and data, and these materials are only for analysis. Evaluate the effect of advertising and other promotion and promotion activities in our products or services, and improve them;

2.5 Software certification or management software upgrade;

3. Associated Websites Links to other websites provided by us may have different statements or rules of use. Please be careful to understand that this website does not protect users' privacy in these websites.

2、 Use and storage of user account

1. In order to ensure the security of the user account, Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to review whether the identity information provided by the user registration is true and effective, and should actively take reasonable technical and management measures to ensure the security and effectiveness of the user account; Users are obliged to keep their accounts and passwords properly and use them correctly and securely. If any party fails to fulfill the above obligations, resulting in loss of account and password, theft of account and other circumstances, and causing damage to the civil rights of users and others, it shall bear legal liability.

2. The user shall have the right and bear the responsibility for the behavior of the account held after login.

3. If the user finds that his/her account or password is illegally used by others or has abnormal use, he/she shall timely notify the customer service according to the handling method announced by Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd., and has the right to notify the customer service to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

4. If Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. takes measures to suspend the login and use of the user's account according to the user's notice, 牌樂坊 shall require the user to provide and verify the valid personal identity information consistent with its registered identity information.

4.1 If Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. verifies that the valid personal identity information provided by the user is consistent with the registered identity information, it shall take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user account.

5. In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of users, when users provide the valid personal identity information that is consistent with the registered identity information to Broads Cultural Technology Co., Ltd., Broads Cultural Technology Co., Ltd. shall provide users with necessary assistance and support such as the certificate of account registrant, original registration information, and provide relevant evidence information to the relevant administrative and judicial authorities as required.

3、 Suspension and Termination of Services

1. If the user has published illegal information, seriously violated social ethics, and other acts that violate the prohibitive provisions of the law, Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to immediately terminate the service provided to the user.

2. If the user conducts improper behavior when receiving the service from Broads Cultural Technology Co., Ltd., Broads Cultural Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to terminate the service provided to the user.

3. If the user provides false registered identity information or violates this agreement, Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to suspend all or part of the services provided to the user; 牌樂坊 shall notify users and inform them of the suspension period when it takes suspension measures. The suspension period should be reasonable. At the end of the suspension period, 牌樂坊 shall resume its services to users in a timely manner.

4、 User information storage and protection

1. Information storage

1.1 Storage location: According to the provisions of laws and regulations, at present, we do not have the scene of cross-border storage of your personal information or provision of personal information overseas. If it is really necessary to conduct cross-border data transmission, we will clearly inform you separately (including the purpose of data exit, the receiver, the use method and scope, the use content, security measures, security risks, etc.), and obtain your authorization and consent. We will ensure that the data receiver has sufficient data protection capabilities to protect your personal information.

1.2 Storage period: We will keep your personal information for the shortest period necessary to provide you with products and services to meet the purpose. For example, when you use our registration and membership functions, we need to collect your email, and after you provide and during your use of this function, we need to keep your email to provide you with this function normally and ensure the security of your account and system. In addition, we may keep your relevant information for the necessary period stipulated by relevant laws.

1.3 After the above storage period is exceeded, we will delete or anonymize your personal information.

2. Information protection

2.1 Your personal information security is crucial to us. We will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and take reasonable and feasible measures recognized by the industry to protect your personal information. Prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use and modification of information, and avoid information damage or loss.

2.2 When Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. requires users to provide information related to their personal identity, it shall disclose its privacy terms to users in a clear and visible way in advance, and take necessary measures to protect users' information.

2.3 Except as expressly agreed in the Privacy Terms, without the user's permission, Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. shall not provide, disclose or share with any third party the name, valid personal identity card number, contact information, home address and other personal information in the user's registration data, except for the following circumstances: the user or the user's guardian authorizes Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. to disclose; The relevant laws and regulations or mandatory provisions require the disclosure of Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd; It is required by judicial or administrative authorities to be provided by Broads Culture Technology Co., Ltd. based on legal procedures; When Boradus Culture Technology Co., Ltd. files a lawsuit or arbitration against users to protect its legitimate rights and interests; When the user's personal identity information is provided at the legal request of the user's guardian.

5、 Your right to manage personal information We understand your concern about personal information and do our best to ensure your right to query, correct, delete and revoke your authorization on your personal information, so that you have sufficient ability to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:

1. You have the right to query your personal information. You can query the relevant personal information you have provided to us according to the relevant instructions (or settings) of the products and services we provide. include:

1.1 Account information: You can log in to your personal information page at any time through the relevant in game pages to access your personal information in the corresponding game products, including: avatar, nickname, etc;

1.2 Other information: If you encounter operational problems during the visit and need to obtain other personal information content that cannot be known as mentioned above, you can contact us through the way provided in this Privacy Terms.

2. You have the right to correct your personal information. When you find that the personal information you provide us has registration errors, incompleteness or updates, you can contact us through the ways provided in the Privacy Terms and submit a correction application.

2.1 For some of your personal information, such as your avatar and nickname, we provide you with operation settings on the relevant function pages of the game, and you can directly correct/modify them.

2.2 If you encounter difficulties in exercising the above rights, or other users may not be able to provide you with online self correction/modification services at present, you can contact us through the ways provided in the Privacy Terms and ask us to correct or modify your data. After verification of your identity, and the correction/modification does not affect the objectivity and accuracy of the information, We can correct or modify the wrong or incomplete information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

3. You have the right to delete your personal information

3.1 For some of your personal information, you can contact us to apply for deletion through the means provided in the Privacy Terms. After the application for deletion of personal information is approved, we will delete or anonymize such information, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

3.2 In the following cases, you can directly ask us to delete your personal information, unless it has been anonymized or otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations:

(1) When our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) When we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) When our handling of personal information violates the agreement with you;

(4) When you log off the user account;

(5) When we terminate our services and operations.

4. You have the right to withdraw your authorization for personal information. As mentioned above, some functions of the game products and services we provide need to obtain the relevant license for your use of the device (including photo albums, cameras, microphones, etc., which is subject to the actual functions of the product). You can withdraw (or stop) the continued authorization of the license at any time after authorization. For example, you can turn off the authorization of your mobile album through "Settings - Privacy - Photos" in the ios device. You can also withdraw your consent to the Privacy Terms through the corresponding function page in the game, or permanently withdraw all our authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account. You should understand that when you revoke your authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the specific functions and/or services corresponding to the revocation of your authorization. However, your decision to withdraw your authorization will not affect the previous personal information processing based on your authorization.

5. You have the right to cancel your account. You can contact us to apply for cancellation of your account through the way provided in this Privacy Terms. After you log out of your account, you will no longer be able to log in and use 牌樂坊 products and services with this account; And all the rights and interests of the account that have been generated but not consumed during the use of 牌樂坊 products and services, as well as future overdue interests, will be cleared; The content, information, data, records, etc. under the account will be deleted or anonymized (unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or required by regulatory authorities, your network operation log will be kept for at least six months); After the user account is logged off, it cannot be recovered.

6、 Update and access to this Privacy Policy

1. In order to provide you with better services, we will update the terms of the Privacy Terms according to the product updates and relevant requirements of laws and regulations, which constitute a part of the Privacy Terms. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under the Privacy Terms. If such updates cause a substantial reduction or significant change in your rights under the Privacy Terms, we will notify you by noticing at a prominent location or sending you a push message or by other means. If you continue to use our services, it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to be bound by the revised Privacy Terms.

2. Major changes include but are not limited to:

2.1 Significant changes have taken place in our service model. For example, the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the use mode of personal information;

2.2 Significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure. Such as business adjustment, bankruptcy merger and acquisition, etc;

2.3 The main objects of sharing, transferring or public disclosure of personal information change;

2.4 Your right to participate in personal information processing and the way you exercise it have changed significantly;

2.5 We are responsible for handling changes in the contact information and complaint channels of personnel related to personal information security;

2.6 The personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there are high risks.

2. You can access the contents of the Privacy Terms through the relevant function pages of 牌樂坊 and the official website of 牌樂坊. If you have any questions about the aforementioned access functions, you can contact us through the ways provided in the Privacy Terms.

7、 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

1. The conclusion, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of the Privacy Terms for 牌樂坊 Registered Users shall be governed by the laws of the game operation region and all conflicts of laws shall be excluded.

2. In case of any dispute between the two parties over the content or performance of the Privacy Terms for 牌樂坊 Registered Users, the two parties shall settle it through friendly negotiation; If the negotiation fails, either party shall file a lawsuit to the court of the operation area.

3. The headings of all clauses in this Agreement are only for convenience of reading, and have no actual meaning, and cannot be used as the basis for interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

4. The terms of this agreement are partially invalid for whatever reason, and the remaining terms are still valid and binding on all parties.

8、 Contact us

1. If you have any questions or inquiries or complaints about the content of the Privacy Terms for 牌樂坊 Registered Users or the matters related to the protection of personal information encountered when using our services, you can contact us through any of the following ways:

1.1 You can contact customer service or submit feedback online on relevant function pages of 牌樂坊 products;

1.2 You can open the bldsgames@163.com Customer service email to contact us;

2. We will reply to you as soon as possible within 15 days after receiving your comments and suggestions and verifying your user identity. In case of special or complex circumstances, our feedback time may be extended accordingly. In addition, you understand and understand that we will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances related to personal information:

2.1 Related to national security and national defense security;

2.2 Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

2.3 Related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial;

2.4 There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

2.5 Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations;

2.6 Those involving trade secrets;

2.7 Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

9、Subscription rules

1. Price and time limit The subscription package is priced at HKD138 and the subscription is valid for 30 days.

2. Subscription content After subscribing to the package, you can receive One month VIP qualification, 115,000 copper, and 450 bullion. You can get extra rewards and log in the game every day:1foodstuff,and 22,000 copper,and 100 bullion.

3. Auto-renewal The official Apple App Store subscription is auto-renewed and is paid for by the ITunes account, so users need to manually turn off auto-renewal in their ITunes or Apple ID settings.

Auto-renewals are charged "within 24 hours" before the privilege ends and are confirmed by an ITunes account or Google play account. If you need to cancel your subscription, you need to turn off renewal "24 hours before your privileges end" or it will be automatically renewed.